At Graymoor, Samwise and the Babes in Boots group [the twins plus Half Moon and Sunbeam and Squeegie] did some trail magic, along with Samwise's mom.
Samwise left the trail in Duncannon. He has rejoined it as of today, July 13, in Kent, Conn.
They made a cake:

The day was one long hiker picnic, with hot dogs, Yeunglings, channe massala [Indian vegetarian dish since Samwise is vegan] and a bulgar wheat dish, cherries, yadda yadda yadda. Chance and I triumphed over Early Bear and Lil Dipper in Euchre, the game of Ohio.
Next morning, the landscaper came by on his lawnmower at about 8 a.m.

[The pavilion at Graymoor monestary in New York, July 10. Chance in foreground, Half Moon in background.]
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