First, the bad. My phone is inoperable at the moment. Hiking last week through two days of downpours has killed it. So that's why all the texts go unanswered and the calls go to voicemail. I'm going to a Verizon store today to see about fixing it.
Second, the good. My camera and radio recovered from their bouts with rain sickness. I put them in a Ziploc bag full of rice, a trick several hikers told me about, and it worked!
I'm spending my third full day in the Rutland, Vermont area, which is kickass. The Inn at Long Trail, where I'm staying, experienced a hiker compression on Friday. I first heard about the inn in New Jersey, where I circled it in my companion book as a must-do.
I rode the nearby "Alpine slide" the other day with Johnny Thunder and Freefall, a couple who met at Trail Days this year [JT is the one looking back in this photo from week and a half ago, Freefall took the shot] and a good friend I met in Pennsylvania.
[Getting ready to ride the Alpine slide. You take the slide on a like plastic bobsled thing. You lean forward to lower a wheel to make you go fast, and you let up to brake]
[My friend, Ashley, in front of the gondola to the top of Killington Peak [see below]]
[The top of Killington Peak, elevation 4,235 feet. Killington is a major ski resort, but in the summer, people ride the gondola to the top and either hike or mountain bike down the slopes.]
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