Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Trail scenes

[Bly Gap, the NC/GA state line. Afternoon break, March 19. 76.4 miles from Springer, 2,102.7 miles from Katahdin.]

[Mouse line hanging in the Muskrat Creek Shelter, March 20, 79.3 miles from Springer.]

[Water break on the trail, March 22.]

[Hikers' night out [the first social outing of the southern trek so far], Cody's Roadhouse in Franklin, March 22. From left: Allgood, Lightning, Ring Leader, me, Tintin, Monkey and Prophet.]


  1. Curious how a "mouse line" works? Sleeping with mice could not be pleasant.

  2. Mice can't maneuver around that can without falling off the line, so whatever you hang on the stick is safe.

    And mice are not welcome. It's hard to ignore their scampering if they are particularly active in a shelter.
