Here, in the dim barroom with Samwise, Goof, Z, Mr. Buffalo Man and God knows who else, I spent the day feeling a terrible inertia. It felt weird not hiking, not hustling. The beer and bullshitting helped relieve the ennui.

From left: Leafy, Mr. Buffalo Man, me, McBride, Goof.
I'm loving reading these updates, Jeremy! What a fascinating culture this is. Glad you didn't get too sick after the ice cream challenge. I definitely would have advised against choosing "fried" ice cream, though. Any progress on choosing a trail name?
ReplyDeleteJeremy I am glad you are still alive at this point. But one day I hopeto take your house plants out of your grasp!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow's the weather in Argentina? Your cover has been blown. AT=Argentina! ;-P