After breakfast Early Bear, Lil' Dipper, Holmes and I went back to the Lakeshore House and packed up. Slowly, though, since L.A. Confidential was on. Then we all weighed our packs in preparation for a week without resupply. My pack weighed in a 60 pounds.
"Welcome to the 60 Club!" said a hiker named Morningwood, high-fiving me.
We shuttled out to the trailhead at noon or 1 p.m.
Towards evening we encountered Big Wilson Stream. It required fording. The boots and socks came off, and the awkwardness of walking through cold, flowing water with slimy rocks for footholds commenced. When I had finished, I trained my camera on the next hiker to ford the stream, as Early Bear had done before me.

[Wis-pee finishes fording Big Wilson Stream with a flourish, Sept. 14, 2009.]
Then it was .7 miles to the Wilson Valley Lean-To for Holmes and Watson, Wis-pee and I while Early Bear and Lil' Dipper kept hiking. I finished the night with a delish pot of double-Ramen + horseradish cheese + tuna by the fire and tented.
During the night I hear a lot of scampering in the bushes nearby. It sounded like squirrels were doing gymnastics. One bounced off my tent, scaring the crap out of me.
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